Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chocolate, Stop & Shop & My Skin

I'm still getting the "itchies" and have been for about a week since consuming a bottle of Smucker's ice cream topping; yes on the ice cream not by itself. I also think using regular Ivory soap and maybe commercial laundry detergent are also targets for current discomfort. But I believe [milk] chocolate, a life-long love affair, is the main culprit. Tonight, I went food shopping at Stop & Shop in Riverdale (Bronx), basically on the hunt for fresh and pseudo-organic products. S&S had hardly any golden apples left, which are excellent for juicing, and I dediced to get a few pounds at Foodtown over the weekend. Anyhow, back at S&S, I strolled the cart up and down familiar aisles, eventually making a pit stop at the chocolate / sweets section. Boy, the skin on my right forearm started turning red and itchy. This is my body's way of saying, "DON'T YOU DARE!" So I left behind my soon-to-be-ex favorites and my itchy skin settled, though I was scratching my arm a little. I ended up with oatmeal cookies for snacks. Yay. But I'm glad I left the [processed] chocolate stuff ALONE.

But I am still itchy. So to be safe, I'll start using more natural, plant based soaps and detergents, or at least near organic as possible. If I'm becoming so sensitive, I guess my physical body is not immune to chemicalized junk.