Well... I'd promised a weekly blog of tarot card interpretations but it seems I'm putting that on hold indefinitely. Can't seem dedicated (or devoted) enough to blog even on a semi-regular basis. I love writing but just not feeling very motivated. I'm trying to jump start (again) a more social life in terms of dating and meeting new people (guys). But that's another adventure in of itself. I had wanted to go out Saturday night but after getting doused in heavy rainfall earlier in the day, I didn't even bother venturing out again. Sigh. It's pathetic. I can't seem to get around to being out there... I mean, I went out today and enjoyed myself. But it's not the same. Something's missing and I'm not sure what it is. Sometimes, I think moving out of New York City is the answer; but there's always the same energy pulling me back. So I never move anywhere else. At least I'm going to be busy this month with a couple of holistic / psychic events...really psyched about that! Really looking forward to expanding my practice with new clients (fingers crossed), as well as inspiring current ones to keep me in mind for consultations...
Anyway, I'm still employed and that's my daily routine (ho-hum)...only if I could do something else... My job is so lackluster and dead-end (and so corporate)... I'm not even "there" half the time.
I'll finish this entry with: I may not be the most articulate writer, but it helps me contemplate my options. See you soon!